Gotta Tango is a superior instructional package for learning how to dance the authentic Argentine tango at a social level. Master teachers Alberto Paz and Valorie Hart take you on a journey through the rich culture, history, and music of Buenos Aires. Over 7,000 copies sold around the world. Can you not afford to have your tango dancing’s Owner’s Manual?
Nobody is born knowing, but studying we learn, as long as what we learn makes sense and can be explained in clear and logical terms. As a student, or a teacher, you deserve to know the facts.
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The journal of Argentine tango since 1994

Long after the crisis
The curious obsession with tango history
Here speaks the a judge
Tango notation for steps collectors
12 tangos and three sappy stories
Maestro can you play a tango?
The tango choose me
El yeite
The birth of the golden era
The archetype of the instrumental tango
Captain of the tango industry
The glorious years of the Sexteto Tipico
The song of Buenos Aires
As the organito grinds
From waltz to vals in one hundred years
The code of the tango
A music primer
Chicho is pissed off again
Live and let dance
Tangoman and the dancing butterfly
Let’s be careful out there
The bearded lady is the only one missing
The truth, the whole truth
Buenos Aires Sr. High
Nobody can take our tangos away
The Argentine detractors of the tango
Time for resolutions
Some like it tough
Lessons your mother never taught you
Without tango, there is no bordello
Marco, suave god of sex and tango
Narciso and the curious follower
The chacarera wars
How did they do it?
One day nobody danced
Come to my milonga or the tango dies
One night at the Coffee Roast
Myths and legends
Was Carlos Gardel a grifter?
Unabashed tango talk
The tango is exclusively Argentine
Tango was danced between men after all…
What monkeys see, monkeys shouldn’t do
The divine poet of the jailhouse
No minors allowed
The junta couldn’t kill it
A mythical cafe
A sentimental abyss
The African roots conundrum
The milongas porteñas of the 70’s
Blondes of Buenos Aires
The “professor”
Mingo’s golden anniversary
Picherna, the music man of Villa Urquiza
Standing tall – The Mingo chronicles
Essays and Articles
The night Pugliese died
A void impossible to fill
The weird hold
What is tango nuevo?
The original women’s technique class
The scuffmark wars
A Firulete in my life
Never met a compadrito
Dance as life
Missing Carlitos
She wants to live to be 100
Tango, the Archetype
A compelling personal testimony
Watch your step with the tango: it’s addictive
When the tango was in jail
Nochera soy
Flirty dancing
Acho Manzi
“Madame” Yvonne
Andrea Misse
Esther Pugliese
Chula Clausi
Carlos Lazzari
Kely Lamdan
Luciano Mares
Omar Vega
Nestor Ray
A chronological series of personal, philosophical, and emotional essays reflecting a moment and time on the journey to a life of tango originally published in the hard copy issues of El Firulete from 1995 to 1999.
1995 Tangazos
Life, tango, and the pursuit of happiness
Tangoman and the dancing Butterfly
About life and the spirit we bring to it
When Springtime lives in your heart
Real tangueros wear cleats
Live and let dance
1996 Tangazos
As time goes by
The heaven in your eyes
The check was in the mail
A prescription for the summer time blues
Demystifying tango politics
The bitter taste of sadness
Sad faces and shackled feet
Thank you
The girl who loved dancing to Pugliese
1997 Tangazos
Three to tango
A bunch of F-words
Tango and nothing else
It’s party time
People doing some things right
Good morning America
A tango lesson
Reasons to be thankful
Just call me Charlie
1998 Tangazos
The three little pigs
The tip of the iceberg
Winds of change
Reflections on love and hate
Tango browsing and dancing modems
A time for recognition
Summertime blues
Contradictions and frustrations
Earning our daily tangos
A critical eye on the critic
A very good year
1999 Tangazos
About personal joy
Star struck in tangolandia
Living la vida loca
Of friends and “enemies”
The loss of innocence
Summer vocation
The gift of tango
2000 Tangazos
Dancing to a tango
What’s in a word
The essence of the tanguero
Sweet and sour tangos
Another year, another tango

Posted November 14, 2013 by Alberto & Valorie

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  1. El Firulete. How I’d love to hear every article read as a podcast!

  2. Hi, we just started a new blog on tango history…each day we post an event that
    happened that day in tango history…it can be the birth of a famous singer,
    composer of poet, the debut of a film or the recording of a famous tango song…
    you can even search tango principles according to their sun sign

    Can you help spread the word by letting your students know about it or placing
    a link on your blog…there is no advertising or money involved…we’re
    not selling anything, we simply love tango and in particular tango history…we
    welcome any suggestions…..

    If you come to Rome, please let us know…we would be glad to welcome you
    and show you around; my wife and I love meeting and being with people…thanks, have a
    nice day…well here is the link http://todayintango.wordpress.com/

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